Last week, I hiked up to the top of Mount Erskine on Salt Spring Island. After recently hiking up the Lions Mountains in Vancouver, this one was much easier in comparison – not that the two can be compared, they’re both majestic and beautiful. Erskine though is basically a hike (upwards of course 😉 through an enchanted old growth forest with many beautiful trees and bush, almost-pixie-dust-ladened light and shadows and FAIRY DOORS! The first one I came upon was near the beginning of the trek up. They say that fairies like to be left gifts and shiny objects so I left them a stone I found on the beach…

Fairy door near the base of Mount Erskine on Salt Spring Island, BC
The second door came into view just as I started to wonder how much further to the top and is my personal fav. It was a moment for me. That sunlight was dancing around, the leaves blowing slightly and every now and then the only thing I could hear was a leaf falling to the ground or a bird’s song…Magic. 🙂

Fairy door near the top of Mount Erskine on Salt Spring Island, BC
I finally made it to the top and WOW!!! Click to check out view…
On my way back down, (not that I wanted to leave that view) I turned around and saw another fairy door. I left them my last beach rock…:)

Fairy door amidst the Arbutus trees
If you ever get the chance to go to Salt Spring Island, consider this hike, it’s amazing.